Transformative Impact of Augmented Reality

    As a dedicated researcher at the Blue Humanities Lab at James Cook University, Melusine Martin’s passion lies in exploring the intricate relationship between humanity and the world’s oceans. Her current project as a postdoctoral researcher at the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society focuses on the transformative impact of augmented reality (AR) and digital technology on ocean identity.

    Ocean identity, a groundbreaking and emerging concept, seeks to understand how self-identity can extend beyond terrestrial boundaries to encompass marine ecosystems. Through Melusine’s work, she aims to investigate how AR is altering the way we interact with the marine world. This technology has the potential to revolutionise education, conservation efforts, and even policy-making related to oceans.

    AR can be employed as an educational tool, offering interactive lessons on marine biology, conservation, and the impact of human activities on the ocean. Through gamified learning experiences, it can immerse users in underwater worlds, allowing them to explore vibrant coral reefs and swim alongside marine creatures from the comfort of their homes.

    Harnessing the connectivity of digital technology, individuals can share their marine discoveries on social media, building a community of like-minded ocean enthusiasts. This sense of belonging to a marine-minded community can strengthen one’s ocean identity, driving them to take proactive steps in support of marine conservation. Furthermore, AR apps can provide real-time information on local marine conditions and the state of nearby ecosystems, empowering individuals to make environmentally conscious choices.

    Melusine says by bridging the gap between technology and marine conservation, we can pave the way for a more sustainable coexistence with our oceans, which are not only vital to our survival but also to our emotional wellbeing. ‘As we continue to innovate in this space, we can hope for a future where technology is a powerful force for ocean conservation.’

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