Circular Economy and Sustainability (CES) program

    CES program collaborates with PPP to embed CES principles in real-world models and to communicate the relevance of CES principles on sustainable development.

    Supports SDG 12 - Sustainable consumption and production, reduction in food waste, life cycle management of industrial and other wastes, sustainability reporting, consumption in the developing world, and decoupling of economic growth from natural resource use.

    We aim to develop innovative tools to measure social & environmental values, and evaluates practical steps businesses can take to align their financial, societal and environmental goals into activities that build greater economic, social & ecological values.

    Remanufacturing processes transform end-of-life, non-functional, discarded, or traded-in products into products with equal or superior specifications to newly produced goods, but at a fractional cost and with fewer resources and less energy.

    Recycling and recovery, in where used materials are treated or extracted to make them suitable for reuse

    Sharing economy, also termed ‘collaborative consumption’, takes place in organized systems or networks in which participants engage in sharing activities in the form of renting, lending, trading, bartering, and swapping goods, services, transportation solutions.

    Product life extension, in which products are ultimately designed to have a longer lifetime

    Servitization is a concept for manufacturers to transform into service providers with the introduction of new organisational principles, structures, and processes, so that they can be responsible for the goods they produce. Instead of selling products, they sell services e.g. Ikea or BMW Drive Now.

    Recycling and recovery of composites –  University of Nottingham, Ningbo

    The growth rate exceeded 12%. per annum. 15–18 % of global electricity demands will be supplied by wind energy from 2020 to 2050 (European Wind Energy Asso, 2014)

    With design lifespan of 20 years, end-of-life blades waste will become a critical problem by 2028 (Liu & Barlow, 2017) . Pressing need to consider this very significant waste stream of composites.

    Our research addresses viability of a carbon fiber extraction process using pyrolysis to recalibrate maximum carbon fiber value, with proposed reuse of extracted fibers to close the circular economy loop.

    Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recovery- Galaxy Entertainment Group

    Single-use plastics purchased by GEG was 605 tonnes p.a., including 327 tonnes of PET plastic bottles. GEG realized the impact and wanted to understand CE standards, costs and benefits to implementation. To process, recover & reuse plastics have large economic and social implications, such as energy used, pollution and acceptance ($$$)

    Schema shows costs (orange) and benefits (green) for process flow of plastic bottles in repurposing, and benefits in providing leadership for region and industry.

    Towards Zero Waste - Singapore International Chamber of Commerce

    SICC and JCU, in conjunction with CITBA aim to raise the awareness of individuals, companies, and the society in Singapore to develop sustainable habits and advance their actions on CES.

    Three thematic areas to be promoted: Correct use of recycle bins; food waste reduction; and management of e-waste.

    National-level competition in Singapore involving all IHL (young adult above 17 years) to find global solutions to local issues. Competition closes on 1st Oct 2019.

    Sustainable products and green marketing – JCUS Researchers

    A collaborative effort by JCUS researchers explored how consumption values affect consumers’ acceptance of luxury brands’ sustainable efforts across the UK and China. From 677 survey responses of actual luxury goods’ consumers, the team found hedonic needs drive consumers’ purchase intentions of sustainable luxury products in both the UK and China. The need for exclusivity negates consumers’ purchase intentions in China, while the need for conformity is positively related. In contrast, these effects are found to be opposite in the UK. In theorizing sustainable luxury research, our study contributed to a deep understanding of value perceptions arising due to cultural differences in sustainable consumption across two continents in the luxury segment, which can be further explained by Hofstede’s power distance, individualism, and indulgence. This research is published in the Journal of Brand Management (ABDC-A). Our second study next investigated how consumption values moderate this relationship between consumers' awareness of a product's green benefits and their ultimate purchase intention. From talking to 956 consumers on their purchase intentions of products that are remanufactured, the team similarly found significant positive relationship between consumers' awareness of green benefits and their purchase intention. However, environmental, status, and value-for-money consciousness significantly moderate this relationship. This finding made original contributions to existing green marketing theories by highlighting the real integration of consumption values in translating the consumer’s awareness of green benefits into ultimate purchases. This research is published in the prestigious Journal of Business Research (ABDC-A)

    (1) Wang P, Kuah A, Lu Q, Wong CThirumaran KAdegbite E and Kendall W (2021) The impact of value perceptions on purchase intention of sustainable luxury brands in China and the UK. Journal of Brand Management, 28, pp. 325-346, DOI:10.1057/s41262-020-00228-0.

    (2) De Silva M, Wang P and Kuah A (2021) Why wouldn't green appeal drive purchase intention? Moderation effects of consumption values in the UK and China. Journal of Business Research, 122, pp. 713-724, DOI:10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.01.016.


    For more information on the Circular Economy & Sustainability Program, please contact Associate Professor Adrian Kuah on


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