
    Rural/Regional Qld Social Enterprise in a Decarbonised Economy

    By Dr. Narayan Gopalkrishnan, Prof. Hurriyet Babacan, Jennifer McHugh and Destiny Dewis

    Summary of Findings


    Creating Futures 2021 Online Conference Report

    By Jennifer McHugh, Brigid Ryan and Ernest Hunter


    Pulse of the Community: Impacts of Covid19 in Cairns Local Government Area 2021

    By Hurriyet Babacan, Jennifer McHugh, Fiona Allison and Rachel Wicks


    TCICA Region Telecommunications and Digital Connectivity Final Report 2021

    Torres and Cape Indigenous Councils Alliance Inc (TCICA)


    Health and Social Service Agency Responses: Updated Finding

    August 2021


    Facilitating Quality Agricultural Development in northern Australia

    New Policy Directions

    Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA)


    Cairns Local COVID-19 Rapid Social Needs Assessment

    This Rapid Social Needs Assessment (RNA) was commissioned by the Cairns Regional Council Commissioned to explore the impact of COVID-19.


    The Future of Agricultural Technologies

    Horizon Scanning Series

    Report commissioned by Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel AO on behalf of the National Science & Technology Council, with support from the Department of Agriculture, Water & the Environment


    Delivering Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Co-benefits through the Adoption of Beef Cattle Herd Management Emission Reduction Projects in North-West Queensland


    Connectivity and digital inclusion in Far North Queensland's agricultural communities: Policy-focused report

    This policy-focused report is the culmination of a qualitative study of digital connectivity and telecommunications in rural Far North Queensland (FNQ)


    Walking the Talk: Is Australia's engagement with the Pacific a 'step up' or a stumble?


    Justice Reinvestment in Northern Australia

    This Policy Paper by Fiona Allison and Chris Cunneen looks at justice issues, and in particular, the potential implementation of Justice Reinvestment (or ‘JR’) in Northern Australia


    Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: A Burdekin Region focus


    Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: An Eastern Cape York Region focus


    Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: A Mackay-Whitsunday Region focus


    Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: A Burnett-Mary Region focus


    Assessing the human dimensions of the Great Barrier Reef: A Wet Tropics Region focus


    Final report: Trialling an assessment and monitoring program for the human dimensions of the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program

    The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is recognised as one of Australia’s and the worlds’ great natural treasures. It also provides many social, cultural, institutional and economic benefits that contribut


    The Cooktown Ten: A problem structuring model for violence prevention: Addressing violence through primary care

    The Cooktown‐Ten (C‐10) is a model for use in primary care to encourage the prevention of violence


    Reef 2050 plan review options: Final report

    In preparation for the 2018 midterm review of Reef 2050 Plan, the Reef 2050 Plan Joint Implementation Team commissioned an expert consortium to provide advice on review options


    Enhancing training advantage for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in very remote parts of Australia are increasingly participating in vocational education and training (VET); however, completion rates remain low and employment


    Case studies of training advantage for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island learners

    This document is based on research for the report Enhancing training advantage for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners


    Economic values and Indigenous protected areas across Northern Australia

    Technical report for the Northern Australian Environmental Resources Hub of the National Environmental Research Program, Project 5.1


    Integrated models, frameworks and decision support tools to guide management and planning in Northern Australia. Final report

    Technical report for the Northern Australian Environmental Resources Hub of the National Environmental Research Program, Project 1.2


    Scoping market-based opportunities for Indigenous provision of water quality services and associated conservation governance in the Northern Great Barrier Reef: Interim project report


    Climate change in the Southern Gulf: A background paper to inform the Southern Gulf Natural Resource Management Plan


    Regional natural resource management plan

    A plan to assist the Southern Gulf to protect and restore the environment through improved management practices and sustainable livelihoods


    Justice reinvestment in Katherine: Report on initial community consultations

    This report describes initial work undertaken to explore capacity of justice reinvestment to reduce incarceration and offending of 10–24 year old Indigenous people in Katherine


    Beyond GVP: The value of inshore commercial fisheries to fishers and consumers in regional communities on Queensland's east coast

    Final report

    This report examines the potential economic benefits to regional communities from the Queensland inshore fisheries (pot, net and line fisheries)


    Traditional owners and sea country in the southern Great Barrier Reef - Which way forward?

    This report by Allan Dale, Melissa George, Rosemary Hill and Duane Fraser explores the history of Traditional Owner attempts to secure a more “joined-up” approach across the GBR


    Trends in natural resource management in Australia's Monsoonal North: the beef industry

    This report by Dr Gabriel Crowley, Cairns Institute Adjunct Principal Research Fellow, describes trends in the beef industry in the Monsoonal North


    Trends in natural resource management in Australia's Monsoonal North: the conservation economy

    This report examines the conservation economy in the Monsoonal North of Australia


    An analysis of key governance domains affecting environment outcomes and their social and economic consequences in the Great Barrier Reef: Core data tables

    Rapid assessment tables that examine the risk of systemic failure of key governance domains and subdomains that majorly influence outcomes in the GBR


    Australia's agricultural future: The social and political context

    Report to the Australian Council of Learned Academies by Professor Stewart Lockie


    A final synthesis: The importance of protecting and conserving the Wet Tropics

    An overview and synthesis of the key findings of research conducted under the Australian Government’s National Environmental Research Program Tropical Ecosystems Hub 2011-2014


    Concepts and indicators to support climate adaptation in the Southern Gulf, North West Queensland, Australia

    This report builds on work undertaken in other natural resource management regions of Tropical North Queensland


    A place-based agriculture development framework

    The place-based framework described in this report aims to support the development of new regional visions for Australian agriculture, founded on competitive advantages


    Cultural competency in the delivery of health services for Indigenous people

    Issues paper no. 13 produced for the Closing the Gap Clearinghouse by Roxanne Bainbridge, Janya McCalman, Anton Clifford and Komla Tsey July 2015


    Environmental research plan for natural resource management organisations and regional development Australia boards in northern Australia

    NERP TE Hub project CF14 Final report


    Environmental research plan for natural resource management organisations and regional development Australia boards in northern Australia: Supplementary report

    Supplementary report


    Applying social resilience concepts and indicators to support climate adaptation in tropical north Queensland, Australia: Benchmark evidence base


    How 'valuable' are the ecosystem services of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area to residents and tourists?

    Report to the National Environmental Research Program


    The 'Karawari Caves Precinct' of the Sepik River Basin, Papua New Guinea

    Report prepared by Jennifer Gabriel and Paul Gorecki


    Climate change issues and impacts in the wet tropics NRM cluster region

    Key messages extracted from the Synthesis of Climate Change Issues and Impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster region


    Indigenous peoples and biodiversity protection in wet tropics country: From co-management to collaborative governance

    Volume 1 Interim policy-relevant findings


    Embedding EfS in teacher education: An introductory guide to using the systems change model

    This guide has been prepared as part of the Office for Learning and Teaching funded project ‘A state systems approach to embedding the learning and teaching of sustainability in teacher education


    Promoting agriculture in the Wet Tropics, North Queensland

    A regional study of the role and value of agriculture to the Wet Tropics region of North Queensland


    Ex-post evaluation of an environmental auction: Legacy of the 2008 Lower Burdekin Water Quality Tender


    Monitoring and adaptively reducing system-wide governance risks facing the GBR: Final report

    This report reviews the key risks within the overall system of governance influencing the Great Barrier Reef


    The Nakanai Ranges of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea


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