Social Enterprise Network for the Tropics (SENT) is a membership network of social enterprise stakeholders from across the Tropics. SENT was established in 2018 as an outcome of a public forum and several Round Tables on Social Entrepreneurship held in Cairns over the first half of 2018.
The key purposes of the network are to contribute to a thriving social entrepreneurship community in the Tropics by:
- Resourcing and supporting social enterprises, including via digital platforms
- Creating public awareness, and providing information and education on social entrepreneurship to different stakeholders
- Advocating on relevant social entrepreneurship issues
- Forging partnerships for SE locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally
- Developing capacity and capability for SE, including training, sharing information and learnings.
SENT believes that there are a range of issues and challenges that exist across the Tropics, and that social enterprises and social entrepreneurship can promote positive change in these areas. We further believe that social and ecological value can be created, enhanced and sustained by using a market orientation while maintaining a clear focus on the primary social and ecological goals of social enterprises.
- The network will include all those interested in furthering social entrepreneurship in the Tropics. Membership of the network will be very diverse, including social entrepreneurs, businesses, community organisations, government and all other stakeholders and champions of social entrepreneurship within the Tropics. This network will meet once in three months.
- Steering Committee: The steering committee will comprise 6-8 members willing to provide executive and administrative support for the network. The network will identify key priority themes and the steering committee members will provide thematic leadership. It is envisaged that working groups will be established from the members of the network around each of the identified themes.
Draft Terms of Reference
The Steering Committee of SENT will provide direction and leadership working towards the strategic directions and themes identified by the network.
- Membership of the Steering Committee will be limited to 8 people
- Membership will be selected through an expression of interest open to all SENT members
- Membership will include one Chair, one Deputy Chair and six Theme Leaders
- The membership of the Steering Committee will be for a duration of two years, after which fresh expressions of interest will be called for from the network members.
Role of the Steering Committee
- Provide leadership and direction in working towards the strategic directions identified by the network
- Bring together working groups towards achieving the objectives of the network
- Support the development and implementation of project plans in the identified project areas
- Provide leadership and oversight to any projects that may be undertaken and working group activities
- Provide coordination across the network
- Review and make recommendations for any work undertaken by the network or by the working groups
- Identify and manage risks to the network
- Represent the Network at relevant forums.
- Meetings of the Steering Committee will be held once a month, or as otherwise determined
- A quorum will be half the regular membership plus one.
- By agreement of the group, out-of-session decisions will be deemed acceptable. Where agreed, all out-of-session decisions will be recorded at the next scheduled meeting
- Members can ask for any item relating to the core business of the committee to be placed on the agenda.
- Minutes will be recorded by a nominated member at each session.
- Full copies of the minutes, including attachments, will be provided to all Steering Committee members seven working days before the next meeting
- The Chair or other nominated member will report back to each network meeting as to the key decisions taken during the interim period.
Conflict of Interest
- Members of the Steering Committee must ensure that there is no material or perceived conflict of interest between their personal or other professional roles and their roles on the committee. Where these exist, they must be declared, and the member must not be present in the discussion or decision making about the matter.
Dr Narayan Gopalkrishnan narayan.gopalkrishnan@jcu.edu.au