Exploring a Traditional Owner led Community of Practice framework for understanding Crown of Thorns Starfish (COTS) research and management on the Great Barrier Reef
Presented by Dr Vincent Backhaus
The Crown of Thorns Starfish (COTS) Reef Traditional Owner co-design, values and governance assessment project aims to support Traditional Owner’s aspirations and to inform the development and deployment of COTS management option which reflect Reef Traditional Owners values. The aim of the program is to engage the Reef Trust Partnership Traditional Owner Technical Working Group in co-design of research activities specific to Reef Traditional Owners; collect baseline data on Reef Traditional Owner perceptions of COTS management and the distribution of social, cultural and economic outcomes arising from COTS management; document and communicate the aspirations of Reef Traditional Owners for involvement in COTS research and management and, facilitate Reef Traditional Owner involvement in Crown of Thorns Control &I Innovation Program (CCIP) research and implementation.
Thursday 19 May 2022 | 12.00 – 1.00pm | Cairns D3-054 & Townsville 17-101
Zoom: jcu.zoom.us/j/89316118413?pwd=NFcxZk9WUnZlS1NTYko2azdUVXM3UT09 |PW: 286724