Abstract Submission

    Please read the Abstract Submission Rules prior to submitting your abstract below:
    Abstract submission deadline: Monday 20th October 2025 by close of business.

    *** NEW FOR 2026 *** In 2026 the program is being updated to reflect feedback from our previous conference. Presenters can now select either a 40-minute session (ie: 35mins presentation plus 5mins for Q&A, or 30-minute session (ie: 25mins presentation plus 5mins for Q&A)

    Please ensure your final presentation meets these strict time criteria.

    Contact details

    Abstract details

    Name | Role | Organisation | Divison / Department | Email

    Conference theme in 2026 is "Inspire. Collaborate. Act."

    Within the ecological model, families exist within communities, and communities consist of numerous different professionals that support families. As a professional within these communities, we would like to hear about what has worked for you!

    Please tick all that apply.
    Maximum 20 words | Be succinct
    Word count: 150-200 | Note: Abstracts with more than 200 words will not be accepted.
    Where there are too many or not enough of session lengths selected, the committee will be in touch to discuss this should your abstract be successful.

    Abstract Review process

    Once your abstract submission is received, it will be placed under review by the Conference Committee. Abstract submissions deadline is 20th October 2025. You will be duly notified via email of the outcome of your submission by 30 November 2025 at the earliest.

    Presentation preparation

    If you are successful in your submission: 1. You must register as a delegate by 27th February 2026 or arranged for an extension with the Early Years Committee. Note: Where registration has not been completed, abstracts will be removed from the programme. This ensures that the programme can be finalised in advance to allow delegates to access the programme. 2. A copy of your presentation is required by Monday 27th April 2026. 3. Please include 'Trigger Warnings' at the beginning of your presentation if there is ____ content. Note: If you are using MS Powerpoint, please ensure it is the latest version.

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