Dr Leigh-Ann Onnis and Dr Jane Oorschot are pleased to confirm the completion of 24 interviews with Human Resources professionals in Cairns, Townsville and Mackay. The interviews were a key element of the Human Resources in the Tropics project; a research project which is supported by James Cook University's (JCU) College of Business, Law and Governance. Initial analysis of the results has been completed, and work is underway to develop a range of academic publications, industry presentations and engagement with industry bodies.
An exciting aspect will be contributing to the JCU Human Resource Management curriculum for students that have chosen the HR profession as a career pathway. Leigh-Ann and Jane were both HR practitioners prior to commencing academic pathways and have enjoyed reconnecting with the HR profession and gaining greater insights into the current HR landscape.
The research is set to make a sound contribution to a better understanding of the experiences of HR Professionals working across various sectors including Health Care and Social Assistance, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Public Administration and Safety, Retail and Transport, Postal and Warehousing. The interview participants are currently working in the north in HR Director, HR Advisors/Business roles, HR Managers, and HR Consultancy roles.
The best aspect of this research is working with an industry panel of HR practitioners that can review the research from a practitioner’s perspective and provide practical insights.
For further information, contact leighann.onnis@jcu.edu.au or jane.oorschot1@jcu.edu.au