The Cairns Institute are working with Cairns Regional Council to find out how residents have been impacted and continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in our Pulse of the Community study. The study aims to understand how individuals and families are coping socially and economically during the pandemic, so Council can lobby State and Federal governments for targeted ongoing support and programs, and work with local agencies to improve the effectiveness of Cairns-based services.
Residents can take part by completing an online survey that asks about issues such as loss of income, housing affordability, personal safety, mental health and wellbeing, and accessing services. The survey is anonymous and will be repeated in 2022 and 2023, so recovery agencies can continue to provide the specific services our residents need. Mayor Bob Manning said it was crucial that Council gets an accurate picture of the ongoing local impacts of the virus. “The pandemic has taken its toll across Australia and around the world, so it’s easy to make sweeping conclusions about its impact,” Cr Manning said. “Cairns is a unique community with our own specific set of challenges. We need to make sure our response targets those challenges so our residents and businesses aren’t left behind.”
Responses to the survey will be analysed by Hurriyet Babacan and Jen McHugh and submitted to council in the form of a report. The survey is available on Council’s website ( until 4pm on 30 June.