Exhibition, Video Art and Performance as Interventionist Research Method

    HDR Workshop

    Start 12 October 2016, 9:00am
    End 13 October 2016, 5:00pm

    Exhibition, Video Art and Performance as Interventionist Research Method

    HDR Workshop

    The Cairns Institute

    Room D3.144

    The aim of this HDR workshop is to introduce the participants to the possibilities and challenges of various forms of artistic and design interventions as (part of) ethnographic research methods, in particular: making exhibitions, producing collaborative video art, and performing various kinds of (re-)enactment (including dance, theatre and photoreenactment).

    In line with newer insights from design anthropology, interventionist methods are considered as a way to deal with the epistemological challenge of how to investigate into emergent realities. In addition interventionist methods often involve a high degree of collaboration and participation by the subjects of the study, leading to new ways of co-creating knowledge among different actors and stakeholders. Finally these methods widen the repertoire of knowledge production and communication to include non-verbal formats.

    Contact: Professor Ton Otto, Professor Rosita Henry and Associate Professor Jennifer Deger.

    Places are limited, so please register with Jennifer Deger jennifer.deger@jcu.edu.au

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